This comprehensive Seven module program is designed to provide a solid understanding of key statistical and analytic tools used in the energy and electric power markets. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on exercises that you will complete using your own laptop, participants will learn and practice key energy applications of statistical modeling. Be armed with the tools and methods needed to properly analyze and measure data to reduce risk and increase earnings for your organization.
Learn why companies continue to be exposed to significant energy and electricity related price risk, and how risk and value are properly quantified. Energy and electricity companies worldwide depend on accurate information about the risks and opportunities facing day to day decisions. Statistical analysis is frequently misapplied, and many companies find that "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing."
This seven module training is designed as a hand-on workshop. Not only will you learn about practical energy statistical techniques and tools, but you will practice building statistical models in a workshop format. A laptop is required.
Correlation & regression analysis; real option analysis; the Black-Scholes option pricing model; binomial trees; GARCH Models; the measurement of energy price risk; and how to use correlation and regression analysis for maintaining a competitive edge.
Workshop exercises will have you building forecast models including time series and financial engineering price models including Geometric Brownian Motion and Mean Reversion Jump Diffusion.
How to minimize price risk through operational design flexibility; measure forward price volatility and adapt Value-at-Risk concepts (VaR) for the Energy Industry.
Workshop exercises will have you building VaR models, calculating volatility and simulating complex energy projects.
Use actual case studies to examine 1) how Monte Carlo simulation is used to value renewable energy, demand response programs and energy storage projects; 2) bench-marking techniques used for estimating the incremental cost savings of expanding existing operations; and 3) real-option value of generation assets and power purchase agreements.
Actual workshop problems and case studies will look at statistical applications and tools most frequently used in the energy industry.
Learn the four manage statistical metrics.
Get the best of both worlds with this blended learning approach.
You will receive immediate online access to the on-demand training presentation. The audio for the online seminar is only available through your computer or other Internet connected device. You will also receive links in your access instructions to PDFs for all the presentation materials in case you want to print or keep a copy.
The on-demand training presentations are available for a total of 45 days from the time any one of the training presentations is first accessed. After 45 days, your access to the on-demand presentations will expire. However the PDF formatted training program slides and other documents you receive are yours to keep.
Dr. Skinner is a Vice President for Integral Analytics Inc. (IA), an energy conservation focused analytical planning software and consulting firm. IA is fully owned by Willdan, an industry-leading energy solutions provider and sustainability consultant. Dr. Skinner supports core energy risk management and sustainability services including electric grid optimization, integrated resource planning, design and implementation of integrated demand side projects and distributed energy resources. He is part of a team specializing in energy engineering, renewable generation, electric vehicle fleets and infrastructure, program management, microgrids, financing, data analysis, software development, and other fields.
Dr. Skinner has over 20 years of energy industry experience developing energy conservation and commodity supply strategies involving portfolio risk management, hedging strategies, and least-cost supply opportunities. Having worked as an energy consultant, Dr. Skinner has significant experience in economic analysis and modeling of distributed energy projects, forward energy prices, financial derivatives, and valuation of energy assets using econometric analysis, statistical methods, optimization principles, real option valuation techniques. Dr. Skinner is widely published having served as the technology columnist for Wiley Natural Gas and Electricity Journal. He is a noted speaker on energy related topics for organizations such as AESP, IAEE, ACEEE, PLMA, IEPEC, INFORMS, Infocast, EUCI, SNL Energy and PGS Energy Training.
Payment is required prior to training program access. Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or corporate check. Your credit card will be charged at the time of registration unless other arrangements have been made.
Cancellations for online training programs can be made before the program access instructions are sent by PGS, and cancellations will result in a credit. For more information on PGS policies regarding administrative matters and complaint resolution, please contact our offices at (440) 853-1038.
Among those who will benefit from this seminar include energy and electric power executives; attorneys; government regulators; traders & trading support staff; marketing, sales, purchasing & risk management personnel; accountants & auditors; plant operators; engineers; and corporate planners. Types of companies that typically attend this program include energy producers and marketers; utilities; banks & financial houses; industrial companies; accounting, consulting & law firms; municipal utilities; government regulators and electric generators.
This online training program has no prerequisites. No advance preparation is required.
PGS training programs are known for their clear explanations and in-depth content. Register today, and join the over 10,000 industry professionals who trust PGS with their energy training needs.